方法 | 说明 |
Restrictions.eq | = |
Restrictions.ne Restrictions.allEq | <> 利用Map来进行多个等于的限制 |
Restrictions.gt | > |
Restrictions.ge | >= |
Restrictions.lt | < |
Restrictions.le | <= |
Restrictions.between | BETWEEN |
Restrictions.like | LIKE |
Restrictions.in | in |
Restrictions.and | and |
Restrictions.or | or |
Restrictions.sqlRestriction | 用SQL限定查询 |
Restrictions.eq --> equal,等于.
Restrictions.ne --> not-equals,不等于
Restrictions.allEq --> 参数为Map对象,使用key/value进行多个等于的比对,相当于多个Restrictions.eq的效果
Restrictions.gt --> great-than > 大于
Restrictions.ge --> great-equal >= 大于等于
Restrictions.lt --> less-than, < 小于
Restrictions.le --> less-equal <= 小于等于
Restrictions.between --> 对应SQL的between子句
Restrictions.like --> 对应SQL的LIKE子句
Restrictions.in --> 对应SQL的in子句
Restrictions.and --> and 关系
Restrictions.or --> or 关系
Restrictions.isNull --> 判断属性是否为空,为空则返回true
Restrictions.isNotNull --> 与isNull相反
Restrictions.sqlRestriction --> SQL限定的查询
Order.asc --> 根据传入的字段进行升序排序
Order.desc --> 根据传入的字段进行降序排序
MatchMode.EXACT --> 字符串精确匹配.相当于"like 'value'"
MatchMode.ANYWHERE --> 字符串在中间匹配.相当于"like '%value%'"
MatchMode.START --> 字符串在最前面的位置.相当于"like 'value%'"
MatchMode.END --> 字符串在最后面的位置.相当于"like '%value'"